Asian games are sports event held every four years and held by the Asian Olympic Council. The 18th Asian Games was held on August 18 to September 2, 2018 with funds of more than 44 trillion. Around 42.8 trillion is part of the government and the rest is sponsored by the company. There are several benefits gained from asian games, including : First. Attract investors. The Asian Games are very prestigious international titles. If this opportunity can be exploited by Indonesia by showing off its potential, it is not impossible that the Asian Games will be the door for the entry of foreign investment in the future. Second. Creating jobs. Based on INASGOC data, the organizing committee has contracted 500 to 1,000 workers to become employees during the three-month event. Those are some of the benefits that Indonesia gets from asian games. There are still many benefits to be gained from that, such as the return of capital. But until now there is no known amount of return capital.